During the August 20, 1996 New Music Meeting, the subject of David Tudor's
passing came up and the desire to create a tribute to him. This Sonic Memorial for David
Tudor WWW site is the result.
Composers were asked to create a sound file in Tudors honor. The details
were as follows:
* Create a 16-bit, 44.1 kbps, Stereo, WAV (or AU) format sound file up to one
minute in duration. Your sonic tribute to David Tudor.
* Include your name as you would like it to appear and the title of the piece.
* Indicate if you want your email ID or a WWW page linked to your name on the
WWW site.
* Include any notes about the piece and/or it's relationship to David Tudor
that you would like posted.
* Submissions will be collected and posted on Arts Wire's NewMusNet WWW site.
* By submitting a sound file, the author is granting permission for posting on
the NewMusNet WWW site page honoring David Tudor.
* Each author retains all copyrights to their own work.